The CACRC is a branch of the SAE International Aerospace Division. It is an airline maintenance committee, formed in 1991 as a combination of ATA, IATA and SAE committees, with a common charter:

“To reduce the cost of maintaining composite structures through standardization of materials, techniques and training”

The SAE-CACRC comprises of approximately 70 industry professionals representing operators, MROs, aircraft and part manufacturers, and regulatory authorities who WebEx monthly and meet every 8 to 10 months at international locations.

CACRC members:
  • Share in-service experience
  • Document in-service durability experience
  • Create international standards including:
    • Training curricula (AIR documents)
    • Repair processes (ARP documents)
    • Inspection techniques (ARP documents)
    • Repair material specifications (AMS specs), including:
      • Wet layup materials (AMS2980, 200°F [93°C] cure)
      • Prepreg materials -fabric (AMS3970, 250°F [121°C] cure) and tape (AMS6885 285°F [140°C] cure)